Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Marie Wikle talks Christmas Spreading Joy is my guest. Spreading Joy Website: Marie Wikle with Spreading-Joy is about giving back to the community for people that have occurring challenges in the present time. Marie’s heart is open harmonizing the ethers of the universe to spread joy to all in the world.  Marie is also available to put your book on audio. Marie has opened out a new enterprise for authors to put their books on audio. Marie is putting my book The Wisdom of a Cowboy on audio. I am thankful for Marie’s friend ship and everything she does for the universe and me.  Take the 30-day Challenge: The 30 day challenge is designed to get you to think about ways you can spread joy on a daily basis.  Spreading Joy can be as easy as time spent volunteering to make a difference or a monetary gift to your favorite charity.  In any case, you are on the path to making a difference each and every day.  Everyone needs joy!  Not only should we spread joy to people we do not know, but we s