Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Rob talks about understanding big numbers and using the word money in your writings and conversations. Understanding it is the outlay of money to the outcome that me and you fear. I now unleash peoples heart supremacy to understand it’s the image of my dreams my emotions are the electricity of powering dreams my actions are the elevator to pentacle wisdom is the key to be free innovation opens the door to soar to see my plush prosperity viewing my oceans of opulence relishing me surfing on my seas of success basking on blissful beaches of unconditional love setting on my mountains of money because I choose to embrace the images of my dreams with daring self-starting self-esteem now and forever!!! Vision Statement The wisdom of every challenge is like gold buried deep inside the mine within me. Holiday Wisdom "Book", Holiday Wisdom "Kindle", Visionary Vocabulary “DVD”, Fear is My Friend "Book", Fear is My Friend "Kindle" ht