Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Mandy Evans speaker, writer, coach and seminar leader is my guest. Mandy Evans teaches people to break out from limiting beliefs that block happiness and success. Mandy’s websites:,  Each of her books, “Travelling Free: How to Recover from the Past by Changing Your Beliefs” and “Emotional Options” serves as a workshop-in-a-book so that everyone can clear the self-defeating beliefs that hold them back. She is a contributing author to four books by Joe Vitale including bestsellers, “The Attractor Factor” and “The Key.” She is the director of Option Learning Experiences, founder of Yes You Can Press, and the originator of Breakout Coaching. Since earning a Group Counselor certificate at New York’s training institute, Group Relations Ongoing Workshops (GROW) she has taught courses across the country and in Europe. Her coaching clients include bestselling authors, award winning directors, a gold medal Olympic coach, a TV talk show host and people from a