Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Christine Cargoni author of Financial Fables Seven Tales To Transform Your Financial Life and More is my guest. Christine and I will be talking about teaching children about finances. Christine Cargnoni has a passion for the emerging fields of financial psychology and the holistic study of money and self. She is a mother, business woman, educator, speaker, and author. As an award winner in the Toastmasters International Division, she has demonstrated the ability to share challenging concepts in an understandable and engaging manner. Christine especially enjoys giving talks that include whimsy and wit. Learn more about her seminars and consultations at Time for a financial health checkup L.I.F.E. Services, LLC Christine Cargnoni, MBA, CFP(R) - Managing Director ????LIFE Services, LLC is dedicated to the education of the individual whether alone or in a group setting. An educated investor makes decisions that make them comfortable with the volatility of the marketplace. Our Bus