Your Preparation Station

Mountain Woman Radio Show: Time Management Strategies that Fit Off-Grid Life



Sponsored by PREPARE Magazine! - Get your FREE Digital Subscription HERE We are happy to have Tammy Trayer of Trayer Wilderness with us as a host on Your Preparation Station. In today’s show, Tammy will continues with #LivingWithIntention so that we all stay on track creating new habits, being true to ourselves and our goals and fulfilling those New Year’s Resolutions.  It all starts with Getting Our Schedule Under Control! How did you do last week with your homework?  Did you really think about how you spend your time and how you can better implement these three things in your life? #LivingWithIntention #BeTrue2Jesus #BeTrue2Self I feel that as we incorporate these goals into our lives we will start to see our purpose in this life or if we know what that is already it will become more focused. If we are still on this earth, it is because God is not done with us yet. We have a greater purpose in this life! Some weeks are going to be harder than others as life is, going to happens BUT every week we can all