Everything Hertz

84: A GPS in the Garden of Forking Paths (with Amy Orben)



We chat with Amy Orben, who applies "multiverse" methodology to combat and expose analytical flexibility in her research area of the impact of digital technologies on psychological wellbeing. We also discuss ReproducibiliTea, an early career researcher-led journal club initiative she co-founded, which helps young researchers create local open science groups. Here are some more details and links: * The tweet (https://twitter.com/_vdeni_/status/1126485212337143808) pointing our Dan's gramatical error in his usual introduction. THANKS DENIS * Is Twitter melting our brains? * The history of "new technology" panic * What's the next panic? * Moral entrepreneurs: profiting from moral panic * Specification curve analysis (https://socialsciences.nature.com/users/200472-amy-orben/posts/42763-beyond-cherry-picking): a way to run all theoretically defensible analysis options on a given dataset * Amy's Nature Human Behavior paper (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-018-0506-1) * Amy's PNAS paper (https://www.pnas.