Big Body Broadcasting

The Q-Spot with Big Body & Melissa Holmes



Melissa Holmes is the FOUNDER & CEO of fhs Domestic Violence Awareness and Support Group, Love Shouldn't Hurt (LSH). After surviving two domestic violence relationships, she looked for a forum to vent, and provide support for people who suffered abuse. She created a secret group on Facebook. It started with about thirty members, and now the group has over 1,000 members worldwide. LSH gives people a sense of purpose, and has also assisted victims to escape from their abusers. For four years, LSH has encouraged, enhanced, empowered, and elevated DV awareness. LSH is now campaigning and fundraising against domestic violence in various communities in order to pay it forward by utilizing proceeds for DV support and services. Holmes shares her story in her new memoir, Love Shouldn’t Hurt, in hopes of helping others to overcome the patterns of domestic violence. Find out more at # # # Body Positive Advocate Michelle “Big Body” Cuttino, author of six books, works with authors and exp