Big Body Broadcasting

The My Big Girl Panties Show with Terry E. Hill



Terry E Hill has worked in the social services industry for over 25 years. A native of Southern California, he attended Cal State Los Angeles. After completing college, Hill was employed as Associate Executive Director for a non-profit agency in Santa Monica, California serving the homeless and battered women with children. Terry is the author of the three successful novels of the Sunday Morning Trilogy. The first book, Come Sunday Morning was released in January 2012 and selected as number 3 of 5 best fiction books of 2012 by the Sankofa literary Society. WhenSunday Comes Again was released in the Summer of 2012 and made the AALBC (African American Literary Book Club) Urban Fiction Best Seller List and The Last Sunday, released in 2013 made the Black Expressions Best Sellers List. The Sunday Morning trilogy has been acquired by more than 10,000 libraries in the U.S., Europe, Australia and New Zealand and have developed a significant and very loyal audience who eagerly await each new release. They have been