Big Body Broadcasting

The Q-Spot with Big Body and Laura T. Johnson & The Soul Of A Man 2 Pre-Show



Our special pre-show will showcase some of the men behind the upcoming release, The Soul Of A Man 2: Make Me Wanna Holler. As the synopsis reads: “This book may not change the world, but it will change someone’s world, and will give the world a new view, vantage point, and keen insight on what lies in the heart and souls of men.” The Q-Spot is honored to welcome Zach Tate, Navi Robins, H.M. Trey, Rickey Teems II, Robert Grant, Maurice M. Gray, Jr., Alvin L.A. Horn, Brian Ganges, and Shakeim Edmonds. # # # Laura T. Johnson's debut novel was titled Where Would I Be. She resides in Memphis, TN, where she attends college pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Social & Criminal Justice with a minor in forensics. In 2006, Laura was the victim of an abusive relationship that lasted for two and half years. In 2009, Laura began to write. Laura attended online writing seminars taught by Terry McMillan. She spoke with others such as Sharon Cullars, Novelist Junnita Jackson, and many others. She has rece