Big Body Broadcasting

The Q-Spot with Big Body and Tamika Newhouse - AAMBC Literary Awards Special



At the age of 21, Tamika Newhouse founded Delphine Publications and has since become a self-published, bestselling author. She has appeared on various bestseller lists and won Self Published Author of the Year at the 2009 African American Literary Awards only nine months after her debut novel. In 2010, she was inducted into Who’s who in Black San Antonio and she landed a major publishing deal without an agent and still continues to write independent projects. Along with Delphine Publications, Tamika is the founder and President of African Americans on the Move Book Club (AAMBC) – an online book club and radio show catering to avid readers across the nation. She is also CEO of Obsessive Soul Media. With future projects in the works from short films, stage plays and much more, Tamika is a young woman on a mission. She has been featured in Uptown Magazine, Essence, Hello Beautiful, Juicy Magazine, and in Vibe Vixen Magazine. Tamika presently tours the country speaking about overcoming her teen pregnancy to fulfi