Big Body Broadcasting

A Different Kind Of Love - A New Year, A New You



ShaVonda L Williams is a living testament that when you have a renewal of your mind, you can achieve anything you can conceive.  She was on the verge of giving up, but God had more plans for her life.  She visited a doctor to complain about her immobility; she wasn't able to get around without hurting.  At only thirty-six years old, she was in need of some help. "You are not in need of medical help," he said.  "You are fat and need a new diet and exercise plan."  ShaVonda was furious, hurt and embarrassed, but a light bulb went off.  She owed it to herself not to be insulted by someone that really didn't know her or what she had endured.  Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she got PISSED!  No longer was she going to be the butt end of anyone else's fat insults.  Once her mind was made up, she found the strength to do something about her weight issue.  Almost 100 pounds later, the storm is over!