Big Body Broadcasting

The Q-Spot with Big Body and Jessica Ann Robinson



SORRY! DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES, THIS SHOW HAS BEEN CANCELLED. WE PRAY FOR THE BEST FOR JESSICA AND HER FAMILY! Jessica Ann Robinson has always had an affinity for reading and creatively expressing herself through written word. She says, “Initially, I didn’t plan on doing anything with my writing. I wrote short stories because I personally enjoyed creating them. I followed my passion for writing and everything else fell into place.” Her first novel, Holy Seduction, was released in 2009 by Peace in the Storm Publishing. She penned her second novel, Pretty Skeletons, which was released the following year. Holy Revenge, her third novel was the sequel to Holy Seduction. Her forthcoming novel Holy Deception is the final installment in the “Holy Series” trilogy and brings back the characters that you love to hate. Robinson likes to create stories and situations that readers can relate to. Since the publication of her debut novel, Jessica has won several literary awards and has been featured on Black Expre