The Tazz And Paula Show

Karen Garvey - A Conduit to Universal Knowledge



Karen L. Garvey, MBA was rooted in a business field with extensive experience. Then on that 9/11 day … everything shifted within her entirely. Because on that day, she “received” in that simultaneous moment, information that something had occurred that was huge; her experience of receiving was not through any earthly means. Puzzled of course, by what had happened to her, and skeptical about psychic abilities, Karen spent thousands of hours validating the information she was receiving. Once convinced of its’ accuracy, she then began using her intuitive abilities to assist others. Presently, through this conduit to universal knowledge, Karen provides ongoing insights for workshops, media appearances, and books. She also offers sessions and coaching to clients, enabling them to shorten their success path. As a result of her remarkable insights, thousands have shifted to new states of fulfillment and happiness, and tapped into their power and confidence. Karen has appeared on dozens of radio programs and in ot