The Tazz And Paula Show

Tom Paladino - Scalar Therapy; Dismantling Pathogens



Can you imagine getting healed at home for a  bacterial or viral infection?? Well our guest Tom Paladino can do this remotely from his office to your home with scalar energy. On today's show Tom will explain how this and much more can be done.  Tom Paladino’s research and work with the scalar energy, began during his under-graduate years. He was inspired by various scientists, i.e., Hieronymus, Moray, Priore’ and especially Nikola Tesla, as to the existence of an energy that is not of the electromagnetic spectrum. Inspired by their works, he pursued a course of independent study in order to better understand and subsequently harness scalar energy and he picked up where these individuals above left off. Scalar energy is also known as prana, chi, radiant energy, zero point energy, qi, orgone, eloptic. After years of experimentation and modification, Tom  has developed a technique using scalar energy that now supports your body in finding its way back to health. All that is needed is a photograph of yourself n