The Tazz And Paula Show

Conversation with Alison McDermott , Fire Burn Doctor



  The FireBurnDoctor Team are a “grassroots” group of professional volunteers offering a FREE (and always will be) humanitarian service for burn injuries that is NOW eradicating the needless suffering from burns worldwide with a profound technology that provokes the body to fix itself–in minutes and from a distance. The origins of DSNB (Distant Subliminal Neuro – Bypassing) comes from ancient Amorican traditions (Celtic and Native American). If you, your child, or someone you love is burned by fire, laser, explosion, or scalding water, Right away you need to CALL OR TEXT IMMEDIATELY within the first 30 minutes of exposure, on your way to the hospital. Our guest will give out the number to call. Everyone should have this number in their wallet. In our interview, she will give out the number,