Dema Live

DEMA Live: Healthy Eating for the Holidays



It is that time of year again.  Working and attending holiday parties with tables full of some of the most fantastic foods a person can imagine.  Unlike the grocery store we can’t just stick to the perimeter of the store.  We have to make choices and good ones at that.  On this edition of DEMA Live Colleen Forgus, Founder of Girl and the Egg, will be talking about how to handle the food temptations that are presented to all of us during the holiday season.  She will also be discussing how private service professionals can manage the food and health challenges that are presented to them on a daily basis.  Being on the run constantly trying to meet the demanding schedule of a PSP can be difficult.  With over 20 years of experience as a Certified Nutritional Therapy Consultant, Colleen, will provide a few tips on how to make things a little easier when managing your dieting habits.