Oh, Ladies! Or, Talking Vaginas, with Virginia!



Doulas are women who empower you to have the birthing experience you want to have. Doulas meet with you before you deliver, stay with you while you deliver and visit with you once you are home with your newborn.   We navigated well around all the vagina talk with two doulas and an ob/gyn. I deftely deleted the part about "placenta encapsulation" (eating the placenta for hormonal and nutritional effects.  I'm all for it if iit works for you but this show airs at breakast time!)  Then,  I get my last call of the day from Virginia Madsen. The Sideways actress has a new movie coming out, so I jumped at the chance to talk to her.  I should have read the full e-mail. "See more below", it advised. Suddenly,  I was knee deep in a conversation about vaginal atrophy and dyspareunia; painful intercourse. Viginia  is serving as a spokeswoman to open up the dialogue for women and their doctors. She brings with her Dr. Pollycove. Yeah, right! Pollycove sounds like a code word for vagina! Listen in and learn how you can ha