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News for the Heart talks with Path 11 on Evolution!



News for the Heart, talks with the Producer April Hannah and Director Michael Habernig on The Path: Evolution. The Path: Evolution explores the theory that human beings are living in a virtual reality system similar to the rules of an assimilated video game. The film briefly discusses the societal fears of the Mayan calendar ending in 2012, and delves into the importance of humans moving more towards a state of love and cooperation as a vital part of life in order for consciousness to evolve.The filmmakers follow former NASA nuclear physicist, Thomas Campbell ashe shares his knowledge and the results of his research via hundreds of YouTube presentations and his trilogy, My Big TOE. Campbell derives the unified fundamentals of consciousness, physics, metaphysics and morality, to explain mind and matter, normal and paranormal, life, death, and purpose, with all of this logically flowing from the concept of reality as information.Out­of­body expert William Buhlman, remote viewer and former President of The Monro