Be Major

Better Than Before: Jane Wilkens Michael with Amy Purdy



Today on The Jane Wilkens Michael Show...Better Than Before, Jane's guest is the amazing Amy Purdy, the world-class snowboarder, motivational speaker, entrepreneur and best-selling author who overcame pain, self-doubt and daunting obstacles to follow her dreams. Contracting bacterial meningitis at age 19 which resulted in losing both legs from the knee down, as well as other major health issues, Amy went on to win Paralympic medals and the runner-up title in Dancing with the Stars. Oprah has called her a "hero." She will inspire every listener with a hardship or hurdle to believe and live what she's learned: That each of us is far more capable than we could ever know. That what at first seems like a detour could turn out to be your destiny and overwhelming challenges can start looking more like beautiful blessings.