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GPS Your Career: Bonnie Marcus: Recognizing and Overcoming Gender Bias in the Wo



In a perfect world, we would all live in a pure meritocracy, where we would be judged soley on our performance. But research shows us that no such thing exists. Though we all want to believe in the meritocracy,  the truth is that decisions about who gets hired, who gets developed and who gets promoted  are often made based on many factors, including assumptions we make and preferences we have based on gender. This week’s podcast explores the unconscious bias that women face in the workplace, how that affects their advancement, and what needs to be done to overcome this bias. Featured Guest Joining me is Anne Weisberg. Anne Weisberg is former Managing Director and Chief Strategy Officer at the FutureWork Institute, a global consulting firm that translates future trends to transform organizations and now Senior Vice President for strategy at the  Families and Work Institute.