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GPS Your Career: Bonnie Marcus: Lessons We Learn From Our Mistakes



“Lessons We Learn From Our Mistakes” Do you try to forget your mistakes and focus on moving forward? If you do, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to learn from your mistakes! This week we’re talking about mistakes and the invaluable lessons we can learn from our mistakes. As women we often strive for perfection and this quest for perfection…which is of course impossible to achieve, blinds us to the many lessons we can learn. This is not a subject that is often discussed but my guest today, Jessica Bacal, author of Mistakes I Made at Work, interviewed 25 highly successful and influential women to find out what their worst day on the job was and what they learned as a result. I know I would love to forget some of my mistakes. I cringe when I think of some of my worst days at work, but there are always lessons to learn and today Jessica will help us understand how these mistakes can help us grow professionally. Jessica Bacal directs the Wurtele Center for Work & Life at Smith College, which focus