Be Major

GPS Your Career: Rebranding Women In Tech



What comes to mind when you think of a woman in computer science? Chances are you have the same stereotype many of us have of girls and women who are basically geeks. It’s not an appealing image for most women and this image often interferes with more girls entering the field of computer science. This week, we’re going to discuss the image, the barriers, and an initiative designed to change all this, with my guest, Rachel Mellon, co-director of she++ and co-director of the #include Fellowship Program. Rachel Mellon will be earning a B.S. in Computer Science with a minor in Spanish from Stanford University in 2016. She is currently Co-Director of she++ and Co-Director of the #include Fellowship Program for high school students. she++ is an organization which aims to build a community to support and empower female technologists. Their focus is on a complete rebranding of the image of a technologist, to break down stereotypes and to provide young girls with technical, highly visible role models.