Reiki Radio

Demystify The Akashic Records, with Holly Hawkins-Marwood



Reiki Radio: Demystify The Akashic Records, with Holly Hawkins-Marwood. Do you want to clarify your purpose, understand the energy of your home or gain inspiration for a project? Perhaps you want to deepen your self-love or do some healing work around relationships! You can gain these insights, and so much more, in the Akashic Records. On this episode you will learn what the Akashic Records are, but more importantly, how accessing your own records can support you on your current path, and in various aspects of your life experience. The first thing you should know is that you do not have to be psychic to tune into the Akasha, but with consistent access, you may find that your intuition begins to expand, as was experienced by Yolanda. You will learn a lot on this episode, and there is even a special invitation for you to join Holly and Yolanda for a complimentary experience! After the show, be sure to join the Seeker's Circle (gain access through newsletter or homepage of and mark your calendar for