Revealing Conversations With Petra

Revealing Conversation with Petra Nicoll & Veronica R. Lynch, PhD



The Unexpected Laminectomy Healing Artist and International Best-Selling Author, Veronica R. Lynch, PhD., contributes a Chapter to a Revolutionary New Book Series. As director and co-founder of CreateWhole Wellness Services, LLC, Veronica R. Lynch, PhD is dedicated to teaching inspirational and supportive techniques for creating healthy balances in life. A licensed clinical social worker and integrative health coach, her mission is to empower others to take charge of heir life and to move past the obstacles that stand in the way of their happiness. Dr. Lynch is the creator of the "7 Balancing Acts to Wholeness: A Path to Revitalization." Her passion is to help others raise their life-fore energy to put an end to suffering - and to create a new and vital life. A gift from Veronica: 10 Steps to More Bliss by Dr. Veronica R. Lynch A list of steps that is designed to help you create more peace, joy, happiness and bliss in your life. This gift can be accessed at or Tr