Revealing Conversations With Petra

Revealing Conversation with Petra Nicoll and Dr. Jean Farish



Coloring Life with a Spirit of Gratitude Coloring Life with a Spirit of GratitudePetra and guest Dr. Jean Farish discuss loss as a universal experience that we all share. Jean shares her healing and liberating journey "out of the darkness into the light" with enlightening pivotal moments and valuable lessons learned that sparked her victory of recovery and transformation. "We are personally accountable and must give ourselves the compassionate attention required to navigate the healing process and become more empowered. Ultimately, we can overcome adversity by connecting with divine wisdom and maintaining an incessant spirit of gratitude." Dr. Jean Farish, CRC (certified rehabilitation counselor), former administrator and professor in higher education and an award-winning transformational author. Dr. Farish serves as counselor, educator & life care coach. She is the Founder and CEO of Life Care Wellness/ PEP For Angels, Inc. (for children hospitalized with cancer) and provides personal empowerment and