Vicki Fitch Live Broadcasting

"Vicki Fitch Live: Evict The Bully in Your Head" #10 with Guest Allison Krause



Vicki has a new book coming out called Evict The Bully in Your Head and on the FIRST Wednesday of each month she includes a special guest that has been through extraordinary challenges with the "Bully" and has prevailed. These episodes often require tissues but they also add a strong dose of hope, encouragement and perspective to life as wel know it. This weeks guest is Massage Therapist, #Entrepreneur, #Author, & #Volunteer Allison Krause of shared her #Trials, #Tragedy and #Triumph. Her story includes a challenging marriage, the death of her eldest daughter Kayla at 12 years old and the triuphant path she and her daughter Maile make to continue on, become who they were meant to be as they #EvictTheBully & #RockThatDream We discussed Alli's journey of coming home to a street full of medical personnel trying to resuscitate her daughter, meeting the woman who's car had struck her to the #OrganDonation decisions she had to make. The tears flowed and the admira