Signs Our Love Ones Send Us For Those That Are Grieving Children

"SIGNS OUR LOVED ONES SEND US " THIS WEEK IS ...."Angie" SHE is a Dreamedium



MY GUEST THIS WEEK IS: Angie is a Dreamedium. She discovered her gifts in February of 2014. Shortly after a hard breakup, Angie’s uncle started communicating with her through her dreams, which in turn led Angie on the path to discovering her talents and abilities. Angie enrolled in a class in March of 2014, She completed the class in May of 2014. With the class, Angie was able to fully understand, and use, her abilities. ABOUT THE HOST: MY NAME IS PEGGY S IMM ANESI ....I AM A BESTSELLING AUTHOR AND INTUITIVE MEDIUM AND LOST MANY CLOSE TO ME INCLUDING 2 OF MY OWN CHILDREN.... CALL US WITH YOUR STORIES OF LOVED ONES SENDING YOU SIGNS...OR..... Call  in and ask questions or just to vent about what you are feeling because of grieving the loss of a loved one ...especialy a child as I lost 2 of my own and understand..or if you want to discuss any of our archived shows and our guests..Marsha and I will be taking your calls CALL IN @ 1-347-838-9201....we talk about the signs ou