Signs Our Love Ones Send Us For Those That Are Grieving Children

"Psychic Medium Jeanne Rose on my show "Signs Our Loved Ones Send Us" Once again



MY SPECIAL GUEST IS : Jeanne Rose, RN, RT, CHt Registered Nurse Spiritual Advisor, Intuitive reader Usui Reiki Master Teacher Certified Hypnotist Certified Past Life Regression facilitator Member of the Spiritualist Church She is  an Emergency Department registered nurse in New York  and has worked in the acute healthcare arena for over 20 years. She is also  a medical intuitive who has studied under Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz, Robert Brown and also trained in evidential mediumship with the Spiritualist Church in Lily Dale. ABOUT ME ....I have had many personal tragedies and losses in my life but continue on helping others by my life lessons ... I have MS but won't let that stop me....and am the host of this show... I am a grieving mother of 2 children lost to Cystic Fibrosis while in their 20's and a bestselling author on Amazon and also a intuitive medium ...we do free readings to bring your lost loved ones through and comfort you through this journey of grief and life especially after losing a child ..