Talking Motorcycles With Barry Boone

Talking Motorcycles with Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys Chuck Koro



We ride motorcycles for a multitude of reasons. The movie "Why We Ride" illustrated many of them. I have mine and you have yours. Regardless of why we ride there are times when things go badly. As motorcyclist we go down. What we do in the minutes, hours, days and weeks that follow a motorcycle accident makes a difference. Do you know what those things are? Chuck Koro with Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys joins us in this episode to educate and inform us on the answers to those questions and more. We will delve deeply into the topic of motorcycle accident and injury. Together we will learn valuable information about this all important topic to us all.  The old adage is that there are two types of motorcycle riders, those that have gone down and those that will. We may add one more and that is those that will again. Accidents of many types are a fact of life in motorcycling. It is a subject we may prefer to avoid but that may be a costly mistake! Thank you for listening to this episode of Talking Motorcycles