Talking Motorcycles With Barry Boone

Talking Motorcycles with Kyle Petty/Harry Gant/Rick Allen of NBC Sports!



The 21st Anniversary Kyle Petty Charity Ride is roaring back to Talking Motorcycles! Kyle Petty joins us again this year with tales from the road. The ride is from Santa Crus, California to Brandson, Missouri. Kyle will be calling in as soon as he dismounts is motorcycle for their stopover in Moab, Utah and he is bringing three exciting guests to join us on the show! Rick Alllen of NBC joins the lineup as part of the 21st Anniversary Kyle Petty Charity RIde! "Handsome" Harry Gant, NASCAR legend has ridden every KPCR and he joins us on his 21st Cindi Heafner joins us on this show to discuss her 20th year to ride the Kyle Petty Charity Ride. In 20 years 7500 riders have logged 11 million miles and raised $16 Million dollars for the Victory Junction Camp that is a year round camp that enriches the lives of children age 6 to 16 years old with chronic and life threatening illnesses. In this 21st Anniversary Kyle Petty Charity Ride, 200 riders will tour America and cover over 2,500 miles! Talking Motorcycles