Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking

Mike Trojan's Advanced Macking Episode 22



Mike Trojan returns with Vanessa Lobo. They continue to review some of the more important principles from "Manual XIII: The Approach". They discuss the importance of a man developing and mastering a non-macking talent. (Hint: it must be something that impresses your peers, ok beatoffking?!) Logan and Vanessa then examines an article written as advice to women: "10 Reasons He Won't Call You For a Second Date" or something, and Mike preforms macking science ju-jitzu on it to yield more great advice for guys. Reggie calls up and asks 1) Don't women want a take-charge guy? and 2) shouldn't a guy be clear in his mind about what he wants: either a meaningless fling or a wife? Listen for the answers. Trojan pounds home that the only way you will a get good convo going with a stranger-woman is if you are qualifying her rather than blind-interviewing her to keep her talking. If you have in mind the criteria you require in a woman, your questions will all seek to discover them and put you in the role of the pursue