Sports Borts

Borts Survey: What's The Coolest Position In Each Sport?



Shooting Guard...Tight End...Third Baseman...ALL great positions, but which one is the coolest? It's a question that children have been debating--either explicitly or, more likely, implicitly by unconsciously placing their cooler position'd peers higher on the social ladder--in their social circles forever. This week, the Borts tackle it.  Ashley is big on defense, Ben is big on whoever gets to do the fanciest moves while playing their position, so you know there's gonna be FIGHTS. The Borts also comment on the least cool positions by sports and SHAME SHAME SHAME (OK, we admit it, there's gonna be some Game of Thrones talk too. Along with Pool Parties, which is a topic you might not have seen coming) those who have chosen those cursed spots on the court/diamond/field. ... If you or anyone you know would like to advertise anything on Sports Borts, simply email It's a name-your-own-price situation, so don't be shy, get the word out about WHATEVER on our podcast! ... No presh, but it