Jesus Famous With Nate Holdridge

Audio Reading: Marriage's Little Foxes (Songs Of Songs 2:15)



"Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards..." (Songs of Songs 2:15) The Song of Solomon is the greatest love song ever written. In it, romantic love is evidenced from start to finish, from the beginning of life to the very end. The couple begins to love, marries, matures in love, and dies in love. Inspired by the Spirit, the power of married love is evidenced throughout the whole song. It is a great ideal, a wonderful possibility, a straight up life goal for any married couple. Still, in the midst of the love and romance the couple sang about, there were challenges. Some of the obstacles were major, such as massive insecurity. Other problems were perceived, such as fears the relationship was in jeopardy, though it wasn't. However, some challenges were small, minor little hassles that needed handling. They called these little issues the "little foxes that spoil the vineyards." Though small in stature, those little foxes could ruin the vineyard, and those minor issues, if undeal