Jesus Famous With Nate Holdridge

Audio Reading: Gleanings From Paul's Conversion Account (Acts 9)



  Each week, the Calvary Monterey church staff meets for Bible study, worship, and prayer. Right now, we are making our way through the books of Acts. Recently we inspected Paul’s conversion (Acts 9). We gleaned a handful of principles from his story which would help us in modern-day ministry work. What follows are those points: 1 People go through a process to come to Christ. Jesus said Paul (Saul) had kicked against the goads (Acts 26:14). This meant he resisted the Lord for a while. His conversion on the road to Damascus was preceded by pangs of conscience, a stirring of his soul. But what did Paul kick against? First, Stephen’s bold witness for Christ, followed by his murder, haunted Paul. He’d been holding the coats of all who stoned Stephen to death, consenting to it all, when Stephen forgave and prayed for his killers. Additionally, Stephen’s murder was brought on by a sermon. Stephen had demonstrated the historic propensity of Israel to reject God’s messengers and plan. His point: they'd reject