Starseed Radio Academy

Opening the Akashic Records: author Maureen St. Germain



Maureen St. Germain is an Ascension teacher and author, who has developed fool-proof techniques to access your Higher Self, introduces her latest book, Opening the Akashic Records. Founder of the Akashic Records International, she was granted access to dimensions that have been closed to most of humanity for eons. Now she is considered a direct channel to Source. The Akashic Records are a vast domain of energetic imprints much like a movie library, a living vibrational field that stores all possible futures, the present, and the past. As soon as your soul begins its life experience, a field of energy is released that records every thought, word, action, desire, and emotion. In this guide to opening the Akashic Records, Maureen St. Germain provides precise instructions explaining how to connect with your personal Record Keepers, gain clear access to the Akashic Records, discover information about you and your loved ones, and learn your soul’s purpose.  Explaining why the Ascended Masters opened access to the A