Starseed Radio Academy

The Transverse Element: Element of the Stars



In the words of our guest, Jewels of Infynite Gold: This multiverse Element was given to me a little over a year ago from a group of Star Beings I called the Blue Men. It connects us to The Axiatonal Grid, the fabric of all Creation and beyond, giving us connection between every dimension and to all the intelligence, or states of consciousness available to us.  It gives our physical bodies the ability to hold higher frequencies, which in turn gives us the ability to move into higher states consciousness. When we reach higher states of consciousness we are able to transcend beyond the limitations of the 3D because we become aware that we are this fabric of all Creation. I created the Transverse Element products for those who are ready or are in this transformation: The ones who are ready to ride the wave of all creation and what it means to truly live in the Unknown space.  It is living in this Unknown space that gives us the ability to move beyond the 3D. The space holds a way of being that our minds cannot