Starseed Radio Academy

The Way of the Simple Soul author Catherine Landry



Born in Toronto, Catherine spent her formative years in a small town perched on the magnetic granite of the Canadian Shield. Her summers were spent in the forests of the mystical northern landscape, which cemented a deep spiritual connection to Nature. After a successful 22-year career in the corporate world, she left at 50, and set out on a journey to rediscover the wonder and magic inspired by those landscapes of her youth.  She experimented with every type of program available, from Ayurveda, to blood and genetic typing, astrology, numerology, star seeds, crystals, sacred geometry and more. She is a Kundalini yoga instructor, Sat Nam Rasayan, and Crystal Shamanic practitioner. During these years she uncovered her magical connection to the Earth’s elements and frequencies, her psychic communication with dimensions beyond ours, and development of her intuitive “clairs,” of which claircognizance is the most finely tuned. All of this brought her to a visceral understanding of Soul and a clear, abiding attuneme