Starseed Radio Academy

How to Manifest Abundance



With so much going on in the world today, it's easy to get off your frequency of manifestation, so we're presenting these tried and true techniques that are guaranteed to work if you practice and master them.  It's so much easier than you would think, that sometimes we forget our own power and manifest by default, which isn't always what you wanted.  If you listen to this recording at least once a day or more, and brainwash yourself with the techniques, your circumstances will change for the better after a month.  You can download a free recording of this presentation in our Vault of Knowledge on our main site, At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, bringing topics of interest to starseeds that you won't hear in the mainstream! There are 2 spots that have become available for our Pleiadean Line Up Starseed Quest to Arkansas, November 17-20!  If you want your name on one of them, write to crystals at starseedhotline dot com right away to let us know.