Starseed Radio Academy

ET Contactee and author Debi Tripp



Debi Tripp is an abductee/contactee of ET/UFO phenomena, and is also a hypnotherapist specializing in Emotional Freedom Technique, Meditation, and Shamanic Practices.  Due to her profession, she has been able to not only help herself with the effects of these experiences, but to also be of service to other experiencers. She is the TN support group facilitator of Starborn Support.  Debi has appeared on numerous radio shows and is about to release a book about her experiences, “Happenings: One Ordinary Woman’s Experience with Extraordinary Beings”.  She is the creator of : The Experiencer’s Tool Box Flow Chart and The Experiencer’s Journal. She hosts the Facebook Groups “Symbols & Star Writing”, “Sound Experiences”, “Starseed Outreach” & “Contactee EFT”.   Her website is: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, bringing news of interest to starseeds! Also, Althea Provost will announce her Star Seed Australian Adventures:Sunrises and Sunsets at Uluru, Initiation