Starseed Radio Academy

"Meet the Hybrids" author Barbara Lamb



Barbara Lamb was licensed by the State of California as a Marriage and Family Therapist in 1976, and is also aCertified Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist.  Trained in Regression Therapy for several years during the 1980s by the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies (APRT), she began working with ET experiencers in 1991. To date, she has conducted regressions with more than 780 people who have had encounters with ET beings, now totaling over 3000 regressions.  Her book, "Meet the Hybrids" is about the ET/human hybrid program, and now available on Amazon, along with her several other books, including "Alien Experiences".  She has taught workshops for Regression Therapists to train them in doing regression therapy with experiencers of extraterrestrial contact through the following organizations:  The Association for Past Life Research and Therapies (APRT), the Professional Institute for Regression Therapy (PIRT), the International Board of Regression Therapies (IBRT), and other training agencies