Starseed Radio Academy

Dr. Laurie Moore of Animiracles



Laurie Moore, LMFT, CHT, PhD offers human  and animal sessions and readings in person, phone, and Skype, specializing in work with multi-dimensionals in awakening, facing the real challenges of human life. Find her books about animal communication, spiritual evolution, multi-dimensional communication, and personal manifestation at Amazon. You may have seen or heard Dr. Laurie  Moore teaching on CBS Radio, Seeing Beyond, Beyond the Ordinary, CNN. com, Fox News, NBC, In the Company of Angels, Esalen Hot Springs, Kealakekua Bay with the dolphins, or StarSeed Radio Academy. Laurie spends lots of time in multi-dimensional silence with the masters, the animals, nature, and her beloved and cat. She loves to sing and laugh! She offers free gift mini readings (human or animal) for 15 minutes to everyone listening today WHO HASN'T PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED  GIFT SESSION OR SEMINAR TICKET. Sign up by emailing with "Gift 15" in the subject line". Everyone else is gifted a free copy of Animiracles DVD b