Starseed Radio Academy

Can We Influence Our Future? with Louise Hauck



Louise Hauck is a ‘time-traveling’ intuitive spiritual counselor. For nearly thirty years, she has presented to audiences and consulted for clients internationally. It’s a wonderful time to be alive, because, as Louise believes, we’re all here to evolve into highly intuitive, multidimensional beings. It’s her greatest pleasure to invite people along on this incredible evolution and show people the way into their own intuitive abilities and personal power.  Louise recently returned from a two-month speaking tour and has lots to share about how more and more folks are becoming multidimensional. She’s also passionate about demonstrating our ever-present connectivity to unconditionally loving, higher energies, the Angelic realm, and to loved ones in the ‘non-physical’ — and can’t wait to share ways to access the multidimensional information which exists beyond linear time. Her website is:  You can find her on Facebook - and she also has a