Starseed Radio Academy

"How to Talk to An Alien" author Nancy du Tertre



Nancy du Tertre, known as “The Skeptical Psychic,” is an attorney who practiced securities litigation/corporate law in Manhattan, NY, before becoming a trained psychic detective working with law enforcement, medical intuitive, remote viewer trained in military CRV techniques, paranormal investigator, and host of her own CBS radio show.  She spent nearly 20 years training and is certified in Intuitive Gestalt Psychotherapy.  A frequent media guest, Ms. du Tertre was also a regular weekly guest on KAHI News Radio in Sacramento, CA, making predictions about current affairs.   She is the author of an award-winning nonfiction book “Psychic Intuition: Everything You Ever Wanted to Ask But Were Afraid to Know” (2012) in which she explains psychic ability in terms of neuroscience, psychology and linguistics, “How to Talk to An Alien" (2015).  Ms. du Tertre lectures around the country on topics including extraterrestrial contact, remote viewing, paranormal hauntings, and psychic mediumship.  She is also the founder of