Starseed Radio Academy

"My Near Life Experience" author Veronica Entwistle



Veronica has struggled like so many starseeds,  doubting her own perceptions until what emerged - during a nervous breakthrough - was her probing vision as an intuitive.  Over and over, Veronica found that her answers about empathetic and ancient knowings, as well as flashing insights were right beside her all along.  She is gifted with the conscious presence of guides and angels, with clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and healing energy.  Her rapid style of intuitive counseling has guided thousands to their authentic self. Her work, in concert with a vast number of Guides and Angels, takes conscious awareness to new levels, transforming constrictive energy left from old reactions and beliefs, to healing and infinite possibility. Her radio show “Paradigm Shifters" 8 PM  PST Tues. on, podcasted on, I Tunes and Stitcher, plus   Lavandar is one of the guests!, and her call in show “Radiance by Design” Thursdays 7 P