Starseed Radio Academy

"Bloodline of the Gods" author Nick Redfern



Nick Redfern has a vast audience of readers who have waited in anticipation for the recent August release of his latest blockbuster, Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us. The world-famous author of dozens of bestsellers, Redfern lays out scientific evidence that at least 10% of the human population is descendant from an ancient and advanced alien civilization that has manipulated their blood type.  Are some of us the products of extraterrestrial gene tinkering? An internationally known researcher and journalist on the subjects of conspiracies, UFOs and aliens, Redfern answers this and many more questions about the “adjusted” genetic makeup of our species. Bloodline of the Gods  takes us on an amazing trip into the distant past and to a time when proto-humans were genetically manipulated by ETs, perceived by ancient man as nothing less than all-powerful gods.  Encompassing accounts of the legendary Anunnaki, alien abductions, hybrid children, secret a