Starseed Radio Academy

Star Markings, Astrology and the Crystal Soul Group



We had some technical difficulties in the beginning minutes of this episode, and the archived playback will be edited as soon as possible, but keep listening because the show is there, just some dead air in the beginning.  Thanks for your understanding! With the anniversary of August Harmonic Convergence of 1987 this week, another major activation of Atlantean soul groups is upon us.  Arielle explains the meanings of the 6 star markings used to identify the Soul Group with Rites of Passage from Atlantis in regard to crystals, the Starseed Crystal Quest and the missions connected to the proper use of power, crystals and technology. Lavandar is in Arkansas tonight preparing for the weekend gathering and crystal dig, and she'll be back with us in 2 weeks.  The week long Starseed Crystal Quest is in October, 11-17, and we only have a few cabins left, so we're looking for people with these crystal star markings to reunite with your soul group for this galactic mission.  If you're not sure if you have the required