Kickin' It

Episode #008



This episode is dedicated to Abbie. Thanks for listening to our podcast. Please stop doing cocaine, your friends are worried about you and we need the listens. - Whole 30 Claims its First Fatality - 11 Year Old Boy Inaccurate Shot (he should probably play video games) -Some Pedo Does Pedo stuff (NOT George Pell, we think) - Giddy-up! - Another Attempted Murder - Ray Used to Have a Scooter. I'm serious. He used to drive it to work. WORK. He's watching me type this. What an absolute homo. - Guy Runs Over Pig - Young Boy Gets His Wish of Seeing an Aeroplane Up Close - ANOTHER BRITISH PERSON GOT STABBED (dw not sad) -Roided Out Fraud Checks Out - Pregnant Lady Has a Bad Monday - Guy Kept Lions. Guess what happened? - Awkward Divorce