Dennis Alan City Boy Homesteader Podcast

Episode-42- Homestead Side Hustles



Today is Friday, May 31st 2019 and today we are talking about side hustles you can do on your homestead. Having a homestead you want and need to have you and your homestead to provide most of your needs. Lot of people including homesteaders have a main J O B or a mean source of income. Me I have the a small coffee shop that I am trying to set up to help me provide the cash I need to build a homestead but once I have my land established I need another main source of income like everyone else. Todays episode is geared not towards making a career <even though it side hustle can become one, but to showcase a few ways to make some extra money on the side to make your live a little better. Today we discuss  What is a side hustle Find your passion/hobby and hustle with Getting a side hustle Building side hustle and be your own boss Ways to hustle/ selling 101 Sell services  Sell products I’d like to ask everyone that is listening to this to please take a minute out of your day and tell a friend or share