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Cipher 360 Radio-Double Trouble, live with "Gutta Mamis" authors KAI and N' Tyse



KAI (www.discoverkai.com) is the author of the critically acclaimed Daughter of the Game series (Daughter of the Game I, II, III and Prequel) and The Loudest Silence. KAI's story Twisted Loyalty is featured in Gutta Mamis, published by Strebor in the Streetz (Simon and Schuster). She is also a contributing author to Solo Shivers and That Good Grind by Wilson. She is a nationally recognized poet and her poem Pre-Destiny, was featured in the April 2008 issue of Essence Magazine.Kai has served as a Guest Reviewer for RAWSISTAWZ Reviewers.  N'Tyse is a Dallas, Texas native and best-selling author of, Twisted Seduction. While N’Tyse, pronounced entice, spells out exotic seduction, the true significance behind her name takes on an entire new meaning. Never Tell Your Secrets is the hidden message N'Tyse envelops within her stimulating taboo tales. The author's writing career began at a very young age where she found poetry, music, and story-telling as an outlet of escape. Now 30,the writer's obsession with the pen