Urban Literary Review- Literary Community News!

Claudia Mair Burney chats with us and we will be joined by Author Valjeanne Jeffers



Claudia Mair Burney - Claudia is her first name, but she goes by Mair . . . and "Mair" rhymes with "fire." (She tries to keep her last name fairly uncomplicated.) Mair is the author of the popular Ragamuffin Diva blog — her personal journal exploring the challenges of broken believers. That blog led to Mair being discovered, and allowed her to contract the Amanda Bell Brown mystery series: Death, Deceit, and Some Smooth Jazz, Murder, Mayhem, and a Fine Man, and Saints, Suspicions, and a Ticking Clock. Her work has also appeared in Discipleship Journal and The Handmaiden, and her young adult series, The Exorsistah, about a teenaged exorcist, released the summer of 2008 with Pocket Books. Mair wants her fiction to feature the best of her blog: humor, unblinking honesty, and the courage to allow God's strength to be made perfect in one's personal weakness. Valjeanne Jeffers is a science fiction writer and the author of IMMORTAL, the first of a three part series. IMMORTAL is now available at www.lulu.com. IMMO